Page 90 - A Soldiers Exposition
P. 90
Should our elected officials be required to read a bill before voting on it?
On the next page, you will find what I consider common-sense constitutional amendments that are
needed to establish fixed controls over our elected officials.
This is our country.
We elected our spokespersons and sent them to Washington to perform the function of legislation.
Specifically: To write and enact laws reflecting our desires and needs.
There must be a foundational basis for the President to consider before any decision to commit our
military and send them into harm’s way in an environment of hostility.
My premise is simple: You must have experienced it to comprehend it. You need to comprehend it
before you can order our military into hostilities. This is on the same order as: “You have to read it and
understand it before you are allowed to vote on it.”
Although the suggested amendments might seem a bit “out there”, if you use critical thinking for each, I
believe you will agree that the only guarantee is to require its constitutionality.
A military officer in the service of the United States is bound by an oath to disobey any order that violates
the constitution of the United States.
However, our elected officials can cast a yes vote without reading a bill.
How can they be confident of its constitutionality?