Page 88 - A Soldiers Exposition
P. 88

Yes, with a catch or maybe two or three, the remunerations will out-weigh the catches:
                            •   The student must complete FIVE hours of community service PER WEEK while
                               receiving assistance.

               Example:  Helping Veterans at the VA Medical Center.  The student receives the minimum wage (at the
               time) amount as a reduction to the assistance amount received.  Example:  If the minimum wage =
               $10.00 per hour.  10 x 5 = $50.00 per week or $200.00 per month that is deducted from the assistance
                            •   The student must maintain a minimum of 75% in all classes

                            •   The student must complete the chosen schooling, otherwise, penalties will apply.
                               Details about penalties to be determined, but rest assured I have thoughts on this
                               subject.  They involve community service to reimburse.  There will be no free rides; no
                               derelicts will be allowed

                            •   After graduation, the now employed former student will have .05% of their income per
                               pay period automatically deducted to repay the cost of the education plus 10% of that

                                     Example:  Earn $2,000 a month:  You pay $110.00 to reimburse your assistance:
                                     $2,000.00 x .05 = $100.00 x 10% = $110.00 plus the community service
                                     allowance of $200.00 = $310.00 going to the reimbursement.  A $25,000 loan
                                     would take about 7 years to reimburse.  So what?  And I know school costs a lot
                                     more than $25,000.00.  But ask yourself:  Why?

               Right now you are saying something like:  “They will never repay the loan!”

               You would be correct and incorrect.  You must use critical thinking to root out the impact.

               Ask this question first:  What is the cost in real dollars and our Gross Domestic Product (GDP)   for this
               nation to subsidize those uneducated and untrained citizens who are unable to obtain meaningful

               The  factory  owner  needs  educated  workers;  an  educated  workforce  provides  for  the  need;  the  job
               provides an income; the citizen is not on government subsidies.

                                  This idea is so uncomplicated that it hurts to even think about it!

               The expectation is the first step to success.  You are supposed to be the person responsible for your
               child.  Your child is not my responsibility.  Sorry, but as my mother would often say to me:  “You made
               your bed, you sleep in it.”

               My uncomplicated principle is:  If you have a child you are expected to:
                          •   Love that child
                          •   Provide a clean safe home for that child
                          •   Feed that child
                          •   Clothe that child
                          •   Educate that child
                          •   Start all over at the top; repeat each step until you perfect each!

               If you can’t do all the above, you have no business having a child.  I know, I know:  You think I am a cold-
               hearted person that wants to put you and your child(ren) on the street.  No, I do not.
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